
I stepped out of the door into the brilliant sunshine.....I had escaped!

I remember very clearly the first few moments of leaving my last corporate job, in a bank, and commencing my search for happiness, the work I would love, and a lifestyle that meant I could have my cake, and eat it!

In my blog I write about successful organisations, successful Leadership, and how to quit your corporate job and find the work you love. Some of my blogs are brief academic discussion papers, the rest are thoughts on those things I am passionate about. Please enjoy and comment!

Monday 31 January 2011

What Does Success Look Like to You?

I found myself strolling through Muir Woods in Northern California
recently, this is one of only a handful of places left in the world
where you can see giant redwoods. An incredibly peaceful place to
be and a great place to think. So, I started thinking about what
success is all about.

For many people it's about wealth, others recognition, for some its
happiness, and when you haven't got it is also invariably about
good health.

Wealth is a fascinating subject! Often our first response is to
define wealth in terms of money. Now, I am not one of these people
who say money doesn't matter, it does. Money gives you the chance
to make choices, to make a difference, but most importantly it
gives you the freedom to define how you will lead your life, how
you will create your success identity.

I am a prolific reader, always looking to discover someone else's
take on a familiar subject. I am fascinated by the success of
people like Paul McKenna, who amongst his many achievements, is a
very successful author. This success is based on using a similar
formula to help people become Rich, Thin, Stop Smoking etc.

I was thumbing through his philosophy on wealth and found 7
questions he asks his readers to reflect on regarding what wealth

If you had all the money you could dream of:

Would you change your friends?

Would you change what you laugh at?

Would you change where you live?

Would you change what you drive?

Would you change what you eat?

Would you change what you wear?

and would you change your Job?

If your answer to the last question is yes, then click through to
join me for a little personal attention!


About The Author's Work

As well as the many speaking and training events James appears at,
He also conducts a small number of one on one coaching sessions for
people who really need to gain traction in their career transition.
James will take on a further five individual coaching assignments
in the next two months, and if you would like James to help you,
drop him an email at james@james-kneller.com with your contact
details and we will get in contact with you.

Need a Speaker?

James is an incredibly entertaining, engaging, and knowledgable
speaker, and if you would like to book him for an event, contact
him by email at james@james-kneller.com

Wednesday 22 December 2010

Which You is the Right You?

When you have started on your journey to find the work you love, the biggest challenge is not finding something you love, and can also make money doing, but it is working out which of the many choices that you could take will lead you to the work and lifestyle of your dreams?

It's not about discovering yourself, it's about discovering yourselves!

You see there is no envelope out there with your name on that tells you your perfect job or career, it's never that easy. Instead you have to discover what your real working identity is and how you can create the lifestyle you want from it. So today I thought I would give you my top five tips for discovering your working identity.

Act Don't Think!

I get so many emails and phone calls from people who are looking for help in discovering the work they love and in most cases the first thing I discover is they have spent months, even years, thinking about their ideal role in life, yet have not taken any action to check out their thinking. So rule one is act don’t think. Throw away the assessment manuals and career guides, get out there and try things, then try some more things. Eventually, and in fact normally very quickly, you will discover what you love and hate about the work you do.

Change Your Mind!

Once you have set down a path that you think is the route to the answers you are looking for, it's fine to change your mind as often as you like. You can go back and forth between different ideas, experimenting, learning, but not to much analyzing, just a little reflection and a lot of action is whats needed.

No Big Decisions!

Don’t commit yourself to life changing decisions until you have done plenty of my first two tips. Even then, don’t do something that you cannot back out of with little consequence. In other words, do not commit your life savings, or even your redundancy cheque, to an untested idea, this is the time for small steps and small decisions.

Jump Before You're Pushed!

It's OK to take a step back and reflect on your decisions, but not for too long. If you procrastinate and wait for disaster to force your hand, you are not going to make the right decision. So prepare yourself as early as possible, start taking action, and start experimenting, before you jump from your last job. But don’t worry, many people do not have that luxury and are suddenly faced with losing their job. This doesn’t mean you need to panic, you can still follow these tips, but think about getting a coach, mentor, or a trusted expert who can help you accelerate your transition process.

Seize the Moment!

Life doesn’t move at one pace, so this is going to be a stop start process. It is really important that you are ready to take opportunities as and when they appear. Use the natural gaps and windows in your life to reach out to your network and communicate your intentions, receive feedback, and learn new things. Now some of you, I know, are big on planning and will have a fixed plan for how your transition will work. STOP! Don’t allow your fixed view of how this should all work to stifle your natural creativity. Don't let it close off potential life changing opportunities, just because they were not in your plan!

About The Author’s Work

As well as the many speaking and training events James appears at, He also conducts a small number of one on one coaching sessions for people who really need to gain traction in their career transition. James will take on a further five individual coaching assignments in the next two months, and if you would like James to help you, drop him an email at james@james-kneller.com with your contact details and we will get in contact with you.

Need a Speaker?

James is an incredibly entertaining, engaging, and knowledgable speaker, and if you would like to book him for an event, contact him by email at james@james-kneller.com

Tuesday 7 December 2010

Its all about your network!

Its all about them you know! Your Network I mean.... You see last week I was sharing with you my views on being in transition, and the importance of walking the crooked path, experimenting, and trying things on for size.

So a key part of your transition process is, how do you leverage and extend your network of contacts?

For those of you of a more introvert disposition, the idea of networking may take you way out of your comfort zone. But in truth. most people find this challenging, but the thing is, no matter where your crooked path may end up, your ability to network will make a huge impact on your ability to set up a successful business, or land that perfect job you have always dreamt about.

Networking comes all many shapes and sizes, social media, blogging, formal network events, getting back in touch through Linkedin, and simply trawling through your address book on your PC, are all good places to start.

Many of you may not like the idea of Twitter, Facebook, and all the various online meeting places, but here is the thing, somewhere out there is someone who will help you find the work you love, so the more you get the message out, the quicker you will expand your community.

So within my network I have friends and contacts who I admire, who I consider a role model, and who have helped me over the years develop my business, and provided direction during my search for the work I love. So I have asked one of these people from my network, Dr Joanna Martin, to share her tips on Networking.

Why YOU Need To Network
Your network is your net-worth! In other words, who you hang out is a reflection of where you are right now in terms of career and finance.

Are your friends and colleagues high achievers, entrepreneurs, millionaires and massively successful people with a vision and a purpose? In short, are they the people you aspire to be?

If not, never fear. It’s never been easier to lift our game and widen our circle of influence.

Expand Your Business
Whatever stage of business you’re at, you can never stop learning. I get so much out of my time in my mastermind group. I discover new tricks or techniques that can save me thousands of dollars or I make a mindset shift that takes me to the next financial level. And I always meet key contacts who I can JV with later down the line. If you’re wondering how to meet these people, then it’s easy:

Never waste a single opportunity.

Talk To People And Tell People Your Purpose
That’s right, every opportunity with people is a chance to communicate your purpose on earth. That person might be able to help you facilitate this goal or they might know someone else who can help you. In my years of training events, I’ve seen countless moments where people were synchronistically connected to the right person at the right time – just because they shared their purpose.

How To Network
Networking is like dating. You don’t want to get tooheavy too soon, not unless you want to scare them off. The key point to remember, it’s not all about you and what you want. It’s about forming a natural friendship where both of you can offer value to each other. A great way to make a long term contact is to find out what value you can offer them first. Think long term trust not short term grab.

Where To Meet New People
It’s never been easier in this day and age so here’s some suggestions you can follow right now:

  • Social Media – Facebook is not just about playing games and chatting to friends, it’s about meeting new people and forming friendships with them online. Just like when you meet someone at an event, don’t bombard them with what you want, offer something to them first.
  • Networking Events – a chance to face to face meet new clients. They even do speed networking now so the structure is there in place for you to meet as many people as you can.
  • Seminars and Trainings – always take a business
  • card and make the effort to meet new people, not just stay within your comfort circle. Often they have networking boards, so post your business card on this.
  • Random – networking is not a setting you have to switch on or off. You always can be networking, in a queue, on an airplane, in the supermarket, on a bus, round a swimming pool. You name it!

So networking has never been easier and the benefits are priceless. This week, make the commitment to go to at least one networking event and see what rewards you can reap just by rubbing shoulders with people who can help you raise your game.

Would you like to use this article on your website or in your ezine? You are free to reproduce the text, as long as the information below stays intact.


Dr Joanna Martin

Dr Joanna Martin is an internationally acclaimed speaker and sought-after educator who has taught over 40,000 people on three continents. She is also the author of the new book "The Lifestyle Shift". Today, she trains entrepreneurs and professionals alike in key communication, leadership, and presentation skills. With her partner Greg, through their business, Shift Lifestyle they provide strategy and support for business owners who want a lifestyle, not just a living. For more information go to: www.ShiftSpeakerTraining.com

Friday 3 December 2010

What, you thought you could plan your way out of this?

I guess it's a bit of an occupational hazard of mine that requires me to attend so many conferences, seminars, and workshops run by those "who are here to help".

Whilst I do meet some interesting and successful people, I also meet people who are really struggling to find their way through the confusion of transitioning their career. On one such occasion, I was hiding in the corner, full of flu (The male form of a cold) when I got talking to a guy who had been made redundant from a project management position two years earlier and had decided to set up as a business growth coach!

How long have you been doing this?, I asked. ....Two years came the polite reply.

How many customers do you have? (This is always my second question!) .......None currently.

How many have you had in the two years?..........Well its been a bit quiet!

How many is that then? (No time for small talk!)....... Well none really! But I have a very detailed business plan that I have been working on since I started.

Now I wish this was an unusual story, but it is not. I meet literally hundreds of people who have exited either the Public or

Corporate world, and who think calling themselves a coach will deliver income for the future, it doesn't!

Now I am not saying that you cannot make money coaching, many do, but its a crowded market with only the very best making a survivable living (Thats £250,000+ per year in my book), and they work incredibly hard for a very long time to build a coaching practice of that size!

So, in my experience, people often use the term coach because they don't really know what they want to do for the second, or even third part of their career. They haven't discovered the work they love, or the life passion they want to follow.

Entering Transition

The day you leave your job is the beginning of your transition journey, and for many senior executives I meet, it often means

crawling under a duvet for six months feeling sorry for them selves and "catching up" on sleep. This is a natural reaction,

particularly when your exit has been traumatic, although for many people, six months under a duvet is a luxury they can ill afford. But for everyone, it is a missed opportunity.

You see, this is the time to walk the crooked path, a time for experimenting, a time of trying new things for size. Many of us

discover the work we love by accident, so experimenting, getting feedback, and experiencing new approaches can help us. Now for many people this is a lengthy process and often it is two years down the road before they have gained real clarity as to what is important to them, but it doesn't have to take that long.

Ask yourself

  • What is my purpose in Life?
  • What is the working environment I need that will enable me to do the work I love?
  • When other people describe me, what do they say I am good at?
  • What are the things I hate most about working?
  • What do I need to develop to improve my performance?

Now at this stage it can get a little heavy, as this is the part where I take my personal clients on a very deep journey of self

discovery, or put more simply, what REALLY matters in life?

But remember, its not the answers to these question that matter at first, just that you start thinking about them, because this focus will enable you to gain clarity on what matters.

Now here I should point out that for many people, finding the work they love, is having the income and flexibility to allow them time, space, and financial security, to go and fulfill what they consider to be their life's purpose. In other words, its not the day to day work activities, but the lifestyle choice that is important.

Part of this process is certainly an internalized one, but part must also be identifying external sources to inform and populate

your decision making process, this includes Networking, which I will talk a little more about next week.

Ah yes......... the man with a detailed plan,

My point here is that your career transition is not about planning, its about experiencing and experimenting, the planning

bit comes later when you are designing your leveraged business model, a subject for another time.

Why not start the process now?

I would like to give you a heads up about a small workshop I am planning to run shortly, that not only will reveal to you the 4 1/2 Big secrets to to successfully transitioning your career and finding the work you love, but will also help you explore further

how to manage your career transition in a fraction of the time it takes most people.

To find out more go to http://www.james-kneller.com/1-day-workshop/

I'd love to see you there!

Take care


Saturday 27 November 2010

So what did You spend your first £Million on?

What you haven’t made it yet? Well you are not alone and whilst winning the lottery might be nice, you might need a plan B!

So I just spent a couple of hours with my good friend Peter Thompson, The UK’s leading business and personal growth expert, who made his first few million....... well, when I was still at school, and has continued to build and grow businesses since the 1980’s.

Peter introduced me to Gill Fielding, of Channel 4’s Secret Millionaire Fame, Business advisor to The Apprentice, original creator of tax free savings, and a leading light of the wealth creation industry. The purpose of the meeting was to discuss FOREX trading, the ultimate get rich, or get poor, (depending on your luck), investment choice for those who like to take the riskier approach to their money.

I started reflecting on how many people I meet looking for a get rich quick scheme, who don’t want to put the effort in to creating something that has value; financially, socially, and spiritually. Now don’t panic, this blog is not about spiritualism, its about creating the work we love, that makes a difference to us, our family and friends, and the communities we live in.

You see you can make a difference, and build a life style business that gives you the flexibility you need, and still have the financial rewards to build the life style you want. But it does take time, hard work, and absolute determination, mixed in of course with plenty of fun!

Preparing for Change

There are two sides to this coin, one is how you design and build your leveraged business model that makes you money while you sleep, the other is how do you find the path that lets you design and build your leveraged business model that makes you money while you sleep!

So the first step you need to take is about preparing for your journey, getting ready for change, now I know some of you like the idea of jumping on plane to your favorite destination, not worrying about packing and being prepared, but our journey is in to your unknown, so a little preparation is worth it.......trust me!

Whether your still in your corporate job, or have already taken that first step outside the organization by choice or otherwise, its not to late to start preparing for your career transition, and the search for the work you love. For most of us the destination is unclear therefore we have to start to increase the possibilities!


Start reading all those business and self development books that you bought but never read - one a week is a good place to start!

Look up all the free webinars, workshops, and speaking events that could help you to inform your decision making process

Find a related subject to your field of expertise and experience and research the hell out of it - I attended workshops and seminars all over the world, some relevant, some amusing, but all helpful!

Look for experts in your field, and look for people doing what you think you might want to do, go meet them, attend their workshops, read their books, blogs, Tweets, etc, talk to them, work out what they have got that you haven't got, and go get it!

But be warned!!!!!! Once you start down this path, the choices become endless, the opportunities enormous, and the experiences life changing. Before you know it you have started your transition and are well on your way to finding the work you love.

Oh...about the Forex trading, like I said, find experts in the field , study and learn from them, then make your own mind up. So what did I learn from Gill and Peter? Remind me to tell you next week!

Tuesday 23 November 2010

Google Adwords - A Story of Bravery

So I was flicking through some of the postings on one of the LinkedIn groups I follow, and I came across a posting from a friend who had just launched a new website. She was discussing her £40 experimental Adwords campaign on Google. £40???? Was it worth the effort I thought to myself? As I had only just seen the ink dry on a previous blog entry – Customers Cost- I was amused at such risk taking and bravery!!

Ok, I am not really one to talk; my digital marketing manager had been nagging me to run an Adwords campaign for months, and after much procrastination, (a much used revenue reduction tool used in small businesses!) I decided to dip my toe in the water. But here is the thing! If you really want to run a test campaign, you need to run it for 3 months minimum, just to see how customer reactions, and your ability to convert them in to paying customers, pans out. A good set of Google analytics, linked to your website, is a must!

So we started just focusing on London, with a low cost per click of around fifty pence, and then expanded outwards and slowly increased our max pay per click budget. Now in just two weeks we were achieving over 400 clicks per day, and achieving a 10% conversion in to signed up customers through our home or squeeze page. Now at this point I should point out that for the customer, this is all free up to here, and its important that you provide lots of great free information to keep them interested and build trust, so that when you do want them to spend money on your service or product, they already know the value of what they will be getting and trust you to deliver.

So Google Adwords get a big tick in the box and used along with a great analytics package, can really inform your marketing plan and your future route to market. So next we take on the mighty Facebook, and test out our conversion through the open advertising PPC approach they use. I’ll keep you informed of our progress.

James Kneller International Plc


Follow me on Twitter at http://twitter.com/jameskneller

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Wednesday 17 November 2010

A Website that Sells

A Website that Sells

Well it’s been a busy time in business this week with two core activities going on. First I spent some one to one time with the guys from my Platinum Mentoring Group, putting some finishing touches to their launch plans. A common theme this week has been their digital marketing plans, which coincidently has been the other big activity for us this week.

We have been running some experiments and testing the response and value of various social media based advertising, along with a Google Adwords campaign. My Digital Marketing consultants over at Vie Digital, www.viedigital.com are keen exponents of Google Adwords, so we are conducting a major test with 15 different advert approaches to see what delivers, we using positive toward motivational messages, and some away motivation messages, focusing on peoples biggest concerns, so watch this space and I will keep you informed.

Last week in my blog, http://james-kneller.blogspot.com/ I talked about how I approached developing my new Website, and so this week I wanted to build on this with 3 killer tips for a website that sells. You see, all to often people forget that their website is about selling them and their product, not just about passing on information.

I have therefore turned to Australian website guru Vanessa Rothwell to give her top 3 killer tips.

3 Killer Tips for a Website that Sells

As a speaker, consultant, coach, or entrepreneur you will at some stage be looking to set up a website about your business. As a student of James I would also assume you want to set up a lifestyle business, part of which includes building a list and selling products online which means you can make money from anywhere in the world . . . even when you are asleep!

 Here are 3 killer tips to think about when setting up your online presence, in order to help your website make YOU money!

Build trust
 Your website should build trust with your audience. One of the best ways to do this is to have a great About Us page.

By giving people a sense of who you are and what you are about, people will start to feel they know you and that they can trust you to buy from online. 

I’ve been to websites before and all they have on the website is the company name. You have no idea who is the person behind that business, so it’s hard to know if you can trust them.

 You should also have your photo on your About page. A photo shows that you are a real person not some faceless company which helps even more with the trust factor.

 Some additional ways you can build trust with your audience are having a newsletter, a blog and/or giving them an opportunity to connect to you through social networking. These are great ways to share personal stories about yourself which builds trust with your audience and helps your sales!

Keep the focus on one specific action
 When you get your website set up its tempting to just want to throw everything you can on there. Perhaps your product or service services more than one niche or perhaps you have many different products. Giving people too much choice is a dangerous thing as the most typical response of someone who has lots of choice is to do nothing.

Instead, it’s best to have a “Laser-focused” website catering to one market and product/service. Once you have success with this one site, you can set up another site for another market. Once your business has some momentum, you can look at also having a main business showcase website that has a bit of everything.

 As well as this, on each page you want to keep the focus on one specific action. If it’s an opt-in page or landing page, you want people to enter their details. It’s a good idea that you don’t mention your other products or services, and it’s often best not to have any other menus or buttons on the page that people can be distracted by, and click on and move away before completing that action. On a sales page, give the choice of only one product. If you have multiple products you want to sell, why not look at packaging them up into a single product?

Have a call to action on every page
 As well as tip #2 where you are keeping the focus on one action, you also need a clear “Call to Action” on every page. 

What do I mean by this?

It may sound silly, but you need to spell it out on every page what you want people to do. If it’s an opt-in page, tell them to enter their details (and what they will get for doing that), don’t just have an opt-in box there assuming people will know what to do and will just do it. 

If you are selling something on that page, tell them to click on the buy now or add to cart button, or call this number to contact you. This will encourage them to take the action that you want them to take.

For help with your website and online strategy, contact Vanessa at Your Online Success for a FREE 20 minute consultation on your needs. 


Vanessa Rothwell

Vanessa Rothwell has worked as Shift Speaker Training’s in-house Web Developer and then later the Customer Experience Manager overseeing many aspects of Joanna Martin’s Shift Lifestyle Business for over 2 years. Nowadays, she runs her own business Your Online Success and is available to help you set up your website and software systems to support your speaking business. To contact Vanessa and her team, please go to: YourOnlineSuccess.com.au.

Need a Speaker?

If you have an event coming up and need a speaker, give the office a call on 0044 (0)1256 886454 and check out my availability

I am working in Europe until mid December then the USA until Mid January, before returning to the UK.

When You Can See James Speak

I’ll be on stage in February 2011, in London, explaining the 4 ½ Big Secrets for successfully transitioning your career and finding the work you love! So come and join me by visiting www.james-kneller.com and mouse over to my events page.

James Kneller International Plc


Follow me on Twitter at http://twitter.com/jameskneller

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