
I stepped out of the door into the brilliant sunshine.....I had escaped!

I remember very clearly the first few moments of leaving my last corporate job, in a bank, and commencing my search for happiness, the work I would love, and a lifestyle that meant I could have my cake, and eat it!

In my blog I write about successful organisations, successful Leadership, and how to quit your corporate job and find the work you love. Some of my blogs are brief academic discussion papers, the rest are thoughts on those things I am passionate about. Please enjoy and comment!

Saturday 27 November 2010

So what did You spend your first £Million on?

What you haven’t made it yet? Well you are not alone and whilst winning the lottery might be nice, you might need a plan B!

So I just spent a couple of hours with my good friend Peter Thompson, The UK’s leading business and personal growth expert, who made his first few million....... well, when I was still at school, and has continued to build and grow businesses since the 1980’s.

Peter introduced me to Gill Fielding, of Channel 4’s Secret Millionaire Fame, Business advisor to The Apprentice, original creator of tax free savings, and a leading light of the wealth creation industry. The purpose of the meeting was to discuss FOREX trading, the ultimate get rich, or get poor, (depending on your luck), investment choice for those who like to take the riskier approach to their money.

I started reflecting on how many people I meet looking for a get rich quick scheme, who don’t want to put the effort in to creating something that has value; financially, socially, and spiritually. Now don’t panic, this blog is not about spiritualism, its about creating the work we love, that makes a difference to us, our family and friends, and the communities we live in.

You see you can make a difference, and build a life style business that gives you the flexibility you need, and still have the financial rewards to build the life style you want. But it does take time, hard work, and absolute determination, mixed in of course with plenty of fun!

Preparing for Change

There are two sides to this coin, one is how you design and build your leveraged business model that makes you money while you sleep, the other is how do you find the path that lets you design and build your leveraged business model that makes you money while you sleep!

So the first step you need to take is about preparing for your journey, getting ready for change, now I know some of you like the idea of jumping on plane to your favorite destination, not worrying about packing and being prepared, but our journey is in to your unknown, so a little preparation is worth it.......trust me!

Whether your still in your corporate job, or have already taken that first step outside the organization by choice or otherwise, its not to late to start preparing for your career transition, and the search for the work you love. For most of us the destination is unclear therefore we have to start to increase the possibilities!


Start reading all those business and self development books that you bought but never read - one a week is a good place to start!

Look up all the free webinars, workshops, and speaking events that could help you to inform your decision making process

Find a related subject to your field of expertise and experience and research the hell out of it - I attended workshops and seminars all over the world, some relevant, some amusing, but all helpful!

Look for experts in your field, and look for people doing what you think you might want to do, go meet them, attend their workshops, read their books, blogs, Tweets, etc, talk to them, work out what they have got that you haven't got, and go get it!

But be warned!!!!!! Once you start down this path, the choices become endless, the opportunities enormous, and the experiences life changing. Before you know it you have started your transition and are well on your way to finding the work you love.

Oh...about the Forex trading, like I said, find experts in the field , study and learn from them, then make your own mind up. So what did I learn from Gill and Peter? Remind me to tell you next week!

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