
I stepped out of the door into the brilliant sunshine.....I had escaped!

I remember very clearly the first few moments of leaving my last corporate job, in a bank, and commencing my search for happiness, the work I would love, and a lifestyle that meant I could have my cake, and eat it!

In my blog I write about successful organisations, successful Leadership, and how to quit your corporate job and find the work you love. Some of my blogs are brief academic discussion papers, the rest are thoughts on those things I am passionate about. Please enjoy and comment!

Wednesday 17 November 2010

A Website that Sells

A Website that Sells

Well it’s been a busy time in business this week with two core activities going on. First I spent some one to one time with the guys from my Platinum Mentoring Group, putting some finishing touches to their launch plans. A common theme this week has been their digital marketing plans, which coincidently has been the other big activity for us this week.

We have been running some experiments and testing the response and value of various social media based advertising, along with a Google Adwords campaign. My Digital Marketing consultants over at Vie Digital, www.viedigital.com are keen exponents of Google Adwords, so we are conducting a major test with 15 different advert approaches to see what delivers, we using positive toward motivational messages, and some away motivation messages, focusing on peoples biggest concerns, so watch this space and I will keep you informed.

Last week in my blog, http://james-kneller.blogspot.com/ I talked about how I approached developing my new Website, and so this week I wanted to build on this with 3 killer tips for a website that sells. You see, all to often people forget that their website is about selling them and their product, not just about passing on information.

I have therefore turned to Australian website guru Vanessa Rothwell to give her top 3 killer tips.

3 Killer Tips for a Website that Sells

As a speaker, consultant, coach, or entrepreneur you will at some stage be looking to set up a website about your business. As a student of James I would also assume you want to set up a lifestyle business, part of which includes building a list and selling products online which means you can make money from anywhere in the world . . . even when you are asleep!

 Here are 3 killer tips to think about when setting up your online presence, in order to help your website make YOU money!

Build trust
 Your website should build trust with your audience. One of the best ways to do this is to have a great About Us page.

By giving people a sense of who you are and what you are about, people will start to feel they know you and that they can trust you to buy from online. 

I’ve been to websites before and all they have on the website is the company name. You have no idea who is the person behind that business, so it’s hard to know if you can trust them.

 You should also have your photo on your About page. A photo shows that you are a real person not some faceless company which helps even more with the trust factor.

 Some additional ways you can build trust with your audience are having a newsletter, a blog and/or giving them an opportunity to connect to you through social networking. These are great ways to share personal stories about yourself which builds trust with your audience and helps your sales!

Keep the focus on one specific action
 When you get your website set up its tempting to just want to throw everything you can on there. Perhaps your product or service services more than one niche or perhaps you have many different products. Giving people too much choice is a dangerous thing as the most typical response of someone who has lots of choice is to do nothing.

Instead, it’s best to have a “Laser-focused” website catering to one market and product/service. Once you have success with this one site, you can set up another site for another market. Once your business has some momentum, you can look at also having a main business showcase website that has a bit of everything.

 As well as this, on each page you want to keep the focus on one specific action. If it’s an opt-in page or landing page, you want people to enter their details. It’s a good idea that you don’t mention your other products or services, and it’s often best not to have any other menus or buttons on the page that people can be distracted by, and click on and move away before completing that action. On a sales page, give the choice of only one product. If you have multiple products you want to sell, why not look at packaging them up into a single product?

Have a call to action on every page
 As well as tip #2 where you are keeping the focus on one action, you also need a clear “Call to Action” on every page. 

What do I mean by this?

It may sound silly, but you need to spell it out on every page what you want people to do. If it’s an opt-in page, tell them to enter their details (and what they will get for doing that), don’t just have an opt-in box there assuming people will know what to do and will just do it. 

If you are selling something on that page, tell them to click on the buy now or add to cart button, or call this number to contact you. This will encourage them to take the action that you want them to take.

For help with your website and online strategy, contact Vanessa at Your Online Success for a FREE 20 minute consultation on your needs. 


Vanessa Rothwell

Vanessa Rothwell has worked as Shift Speaker Training’s in-house Web Developer and then later the Customer Experience Manager overseeing many aspects of Joanna Martin’s Shift Lifestyle Business for over 2 years. Nowadays, she runs her own business Your Online Success and is available to help you set up your website and software systems to support your speaking business. To contact Vanessa and her team, please go to: YourOnlineSuccess.com.au.

Need a Speaker?

If you have an event coming up and need a speaker, give the office a call on 0044 (0)1256 886454 and check out my availability

I am working in Europe until mid December then the USA until Mid January, before returning to the UK.

When You Can See James Speak

I’ll be on stage in February 2011, in London, explaining the 4 ½ Big Secrets for successfully transitioning your career and finding the work you love! So come and join me by visiting www.james-kneller.com and mouse over to my events page.

James Kneller International Plc


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