
I stepped out of the door into the brilliant sunshine.....I had escaped!

I remember very clearly the first few moments of leaving my last corporate job, in a bank, and commencing my search for happiness, the work I would love, and a lifestyle that meant I could have my cake, and eat it!

In my blog I write about successful organisations, successful Leadership, and how to quit your corporate job and find the work you love. Some of my blogs are brief academic discussion papers, the rest are thoughts on those things I am passionate about. Please enjoy and comment!

Tuesday 23 November 2010

Google Adwords - A Story of Bravery

So I was flicking through some of the postings on one of the LinkedIn groups I follow, and I came across a posting from a friend who had just launched a new website. She was discussing her £40 experimental Adwords campaign on Google. £40???? Was it worth the effort I thought to myself? As I had only just seen the ink dry on a previous blog entry – Customers Cost- I was amused at such risk taking and bravery!!

Ok, I am not really one to talk; my digital marketing manager had been nagging me to run an Adwords campaign for months, and after much procrastination, (a much used revenue reduction tool used in small businesses!) I decided to dip my toe in the water. But here is the thing! If you really want to run a test campaign, you need to run it for 3 months minimum, just to see how customer reactions, and your ability to convert them in to paying customers, pans out. A good set of Google analytics, linked to your website, is a must!

So we started just focusing on London, with a low cost per click of around fifty pence, and then expanded outwards and slowly increased our max pay per click budget. Now in just two weeks we were achieving over 400 clicks per day, and achieving a 10% conversion in to signed up customers through our home or squeeze page. Now at this point I should point out that for the customer, this is all free up to here, and its important that you provide lots of great free information to keep them interested and build trust, so that when you do want them to spend money on your service or product, they already know the value of what they will be getting and trust you to deliver.

So Google Adwords get a big tick in the box and used along with a great analytics package, can really inform your marketing plan and your future route to market. So next we take on the mighty Facebook, and test out our conversion through the open advertising PPC approach they use. I’ll keep you informed of our progress.

James Kneller International Plc


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