
I stepped out of the door into the brilliant sunshine.....I had escaped!

I remember very clearly the first few moments of leaving my last corporate job, in a bank, and commencing my search for happiness, the work I would love, and a lifestyle that meant I could have my cake, and eat it!

In my blog I write about successful organisations, successful Leadership, and how to quit your corporate job and find the work you love. Some of my blogs are brief academic discussion papers, the rest are thoughts on those things I am passionate about. Please enjoy and comment!

Tuesday 7 December 2010

Its all about your network!

Its all about them you know! Your Network I mean.... You see last week I was sharing with you my views on being in transition, and the importance of walking the crooked path, experimenting, and trying things on for size.

So a key part of your transition process is, how do you leverage and extend your network of contacts?

For those of you of a more introvert disposition, the idea of networking may take you way out of your comfort zone. But in truth. most people find this challenging, but the thing is, no matter where your crooked path may end up, your ability to network will make a huge impact on your ability to set up a successful business, or land that perfect job you have always dreamt about.

Networking comes all many shapes and sizes, social media, blogging, formal network events, getting back in touch through Linkedin, and simply trawling through your address book on your PC, are all good places to start.

Many of you may not like the idea of Twitter, Facebook, and all the various online meeting places, but here is the thing, somewhere out there is someone who will help you find the work you love, so the more you get the message out, the quicker you will expand your community.

So within my network I have friends and contacts who I admire, who I consider a role model, and who have helped me over the years develop my business, and provided direction during my search for the work I love. So I have asked one of these people from my network, Dr Joanna Martin, to share her tips on Networking.

Why YOU Need To Network
Your network is your net-worth! In other words, who you hang out is a reflection of where you are right now in terms of career and finance.

Are your friends and colleagues high achievers, entrepreneurs, millionaires and massively successful people with a vision and a purpose? In short, are they the people you aspire to be?

If not, never fear. It’s never been easier to lift our game and widen our circle of influence.

Expand Your Business
Whatever stage of business you’re at, you can never stop learning. I get so much out of my time in my mastermind group. I discover new tricks or techniques that can save me thousands of dollars or I make a mindset shift that takes me to the next financial level. And I always meet key contacts who I can JV with later down the line. If you’re wondering how to meet these people, then it’s easy:

Never waste a single opportunity.

Talk To People And Tell People Your Purpose
That’s right, every opportunity with people is a chance to communicate your purpose on earth. That person might be able to help you facilitate this goal or they might know someone else who can help you. In my years of training events, I’ve seen countless moments where people were synchronistically connected to the right person at the right time – just because they shared their purpose.

How To Network
Networking is like dating. You don’t want to get tooheavy too soon, not unless you want to scare them off. The key point to remember, it’s not all about you and what you want. It’s about forming a natural friendship where both of you can offer value to each other. A great way to make a long term contact is to find out what value you can offer them first. Think long term trust not short term grab.

Where To Meet New People
It’s never been easier in this day and age so here’s some suggestions you can follow right now:

  • Social Media – Facebook is not just about playing games and chatting to friends, it’s about meeting new people and forming friendships with them online. Just like when you meet someone at an event, don’t bombard them with what you want, offer something to them first.
  • Networking Events – a chance to face to face meet new clients. They even do speed networking now so the structure is there in place for you to meet as many people as you can.
  • Seminars and Trainings – always take a business
  • card and make the effort to meet new people, not just stay within your comfort circle. Often they have networking boards, so post your business card on this.
  • Random – networking is not a setting you have to switch on or off. You always can be networking, in a queue, on an airplane, in the supermarket, on a bus, round a swimming pool. You name it!

So networking has never been easier and the benefits are priceless. This week, make the commitment to go to at least one networking event and see what rewards you can reap just by rubbing shoulders with people who can help you raise your game.

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Dr Joanna Martin

Dr Joanna Martin is an internationally acclaimed speaker and sought-after educator who has taught over 40,000 people on three continents. She is also the author of the new book "The Lifestyle Shift". Today, she trains entrepreneurs and professionals alike in key communication, leadership, and presentation skills. With her partner Greg, through their business, Shift Lifestyle they provide strategy and support for business owners who want a lifestyle, not just a living. For more information go to: www.ShiftSpeakerTraining.com

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